Genre: Historical Fiction/Romance
This book is about a girl who falls in love more than once, and learns that life is quite harsh, especially on your own.
Goodreads Synopsis:
When Kitty is called up to London for an engagement on "Grease Paint Avenue", Nan follows as her dresser and secret lover, and, soon after, dons trousers herself and joins the act. In time, Kitty breaks her heart, and Nan assumes the guise of butch roue to commence her own thrilling and varied sexual education - a sort of Moll Flanders in drag - finally finding friendship and true love in the most unexpected places.

I don't even know where to begin. I felt many different emotions while reading this book. I felt my heart flutter at the concept of love, and felt my heart break when tragic events happened to Nancy. I felt that Nancy herself had grown from the innocent young girl into a woman who knew exactly what she wanted, but had to journey enough to get there. This was probably one of the best books I've ever read as far as Historical Fiction goes. I found it far better even, than
Fingersmith, of which I enjoyed reading so much. I did however find that some parts of this book were really not my cup of tea, but as a whole it wasn't a terrible book. Even the parts I didn't like seemed to make the book seem full and complete. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading Historical Victorian Fiction, who doesn't mind romance between women, and can enjoy a good plot. If you've seen the mini series, this will prove to you far better than that.
Shame on anyone who thinks evil of this.
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